1. Introduction to Torts
2. Intentional Torts
3. Negligence
4. Strict Liability
5. Defamation
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Causation: But for Actual Cause
In this video, you should consider the following:
- But for x happening, plaintiff would not have been injured.
- But for my running a red light, I would not have hit the plaintiff’s car.
- But for my spilling coffee on myself, I wouldn’t have stained my dress, had to drive 20 minutes to go home and change, been late to my daughter’s baseball game, causing my daughter to not pay attention while looking for me in my usual spot and get hit in the head.
Delivered by:Professor Tania N. Shah
Video Takeaway: Causation: But for Actual Cause
Topic Quizzes
Multiple Choice Quiz
New Issue Spotting Essay
Topic Quizzes
Topic Quizzes
Multiple Choice Quiz
New Issue Spotting Essay