Casebriefs™ – The first ever digital law student study supplements
Since Casebriefs founding in 1995 by then law students, its goal and sole purpose has been to assist law students in obtaining the best possible law school grades. Starting with authoring the first digital, mass distributed law school case briefs using the IRAC method, Casebriefs is now the most widely used content for legal education case briefs worldwide.
Through its decades long tenure, Casebriefs has created relationships with some of the most renown legal industry companies such as legal library portals: Westlaw, Lexis, Bloomberg Law and Casetext. Additionally, we have worked with every major bar review, law tutoring companies, and casebook publishers in various capacities. Finally, most law schools have cooperated with Casebriefs in order to assist with awareness and reach with regard to the many Programs schools embrace today. There is hardly a student of law that Casebriefs has not touched is some way over the last two plus decades and we have served more than 1.3M and counting, law students throughout that time.
Having and continuing to receive thousands of emails from law students suggesting additional content they would like the site to have, in addition to telling us how appreciative they are for our assistance with regard to their success in law school, Casebriefs is now building upon those student requests and expanding. Enter StudyBuddy Pro.
StudyBuddy Pro – The next phase in law student success
Listening to our users, law school librarians and professors, and other stakeholders in legal education, we are proud to offer the legal education community the most advanced and dynamic study platform whose sole purpose is for mastering and success of the law school curriculum – StudyBuddy Pro. StudyBuddy Pro (Pro) is a platform developed by Law Professors and Law School Academic Success Instructors for the sole purpose of law school success. Pro’s Professors are and have been and the forefront of making sure that their Law School’s students successfully not only master their law school subjects, but also are able to successfully pass the bar exam. Our instructors have seen first hand the issues and pitfalls that make students fall behind, and they have implemented their success strategies into the Pro Platform. Our content is the best for success, period.
It’s not about saving time, it’s about efficiently studying for success!
Many strategies in the market today sell “save time” for law students. While this is certainly what many students want, time cutting strategies may not necessarily assist students for success in law school and on their bar exam. Our Professors have authored review videos, succinct outlines, real practice quizzes and exams with Professor model answers, and many other “study assets” for the efficient study process, not necessarily the quickest study time process. Pro gets and keeps the law student current with their studies by encouraging them with continuous review beginning the first day of school. This is the strategy that most academic success professors will share that keeps their students on the right path.
We are here for you
The bottom line is that we were created solely and exclusively, for your success. Please share with us how we can better support your study efforts as we are always encouraged to hear from our users how we can further their success.