Meet your new
AI Course Assistant

My T.A. is the only Law Professor assistant delivering instantaneous data and analysis on your student's essay answer enhanced with “My Reviewer” GenAI, Legal ed. assessment solutions.

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Introducing My T.A., the world's first reliable
and responsible AI course assistant

For the first time, Professors get a clear understanding of the writing performance
of their student's through the My T.A. data and analytics assignment dashboard.

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First-ever Formative
Writing Assessment tool
providing immediate results

Now, you may assign practice and exam prep writing assessments to your class and receive instantaneous review of the writing performance of your students without you having to grade each student's work, saving you enormous time.

formative writng

Immediate critique, review & custom feedback of student’s answer

Upon student submitting their answer, within seconds their writing is reviewed and scored against your Model Answer’s grading rubric, saving you or your assistant’s from having to review and grade each student’s work.

Immeditate critique
Students Assignment

Personalizes critique and feedback in “student’s writing style” compared to your Model Answer

Student’s My Reviewer enabled answer is designed, developed and engineered Using the most advanced genAI language models and proprietary algorithms specifically engineered for Legal Education.

Students Assignment

Seamlessly assign and incorporate
more writing into your curriculum

Let My T.A. handle critical course tasks such as assigning practice writing questions and assessments and then analyzing and scoring them so you have a clear view of your student’s course challenges.

Author your own assessments and questions, or select from over a thousand of our Done For You (DFY) assignments

Use your own* questions and assessments, or assign one of our DFY
questions in a matter of a few seconds saving you an endless amount of
authoring, assigning and review time.

*Your IP is exactly that – yours. We do not use, view, distribute, or allow any third party to see or have access to your IP.

Enter your own question, answer and key legal terms and definitions for a completely customized question.

Answer set

Assign one of our DFY questions
in a matter of seconds.

Assign in seconds
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Entire Class and Individual Student Scores, Data and Analytics

As students submit writing to you, your Professor My T.A. Dashboard updates and adjusts with each student submission, and instantaneously scores each student’s answer for you.

formative writng
Nested Assignment

Complex, Issue-Spotting Questions? My T.A. was developed to identify and analyze complex, multi-issue writing assignments

As you progress through the term, you may wish to assign complex questions to your students. My T.A. was developed to analyze and provide data and metrics for even the most complex assessments.

Relied on by thousands of students and professors

Since 2020, StudyBuddy Pro has been a leading study
supplement platform for law students, schools and professors.

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The pioneers in AI for legal education

StudyBuddy Pro innovative and proprietary technology empowers more students to
optimally perform in their course work and on exams, and allows for the first time, professors
to receive a complete picture as to their student’s subject and topic understanding.

content expertise

Content expertise

Since 2020, our content authors, AI developers and design leaders launched the most advanced suite of academic and instructional tools.


Reliable and Responsible

Our priority is responsibly used tools for the optimal benefit for both students and professors. We've spent years working with large language models and deep learning algorithms for all stakeholder trust and reliability.

Provide more writing practice now, and for the bar

Begin bar prep early. Not only does My T.A. assist with understanding your
student’s topic challenges, but readies them early for bar prep.

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