1. Introduction to Torts
2. Intentional Torts
3. Negligence
4. Strict Liability
5. Defamation
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Introduction and Wild Animals
In this video, you should consider the following:
- It doesn’t matter if your pink-bow-wearing adorable tiger “wouldn’t hurt a flea”- it is a WILD ANIMAL.
- The defendant is strictly liable for the kind of injuries that type of animal would cause, including injuries the plaintiff suffered from trying to run away from the wild animal.
- If Sammy the Shark splashes your Prada bag at a pool party and ruins it, you won’t be able to sue for strict liability. But if Sammy the Shark bites off your head at the pool party, you can sue the owner in strict liability.
Delivered by:Professor Melissa A. Hale
Video Takeaway: Introduction and Wild Animals
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