1. Introduction to Torts
2. Intentional Torts
3. Negligence
4. Strict Liability
5. Defamation
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In this video, you should consider the following:
- This is your big picture on Negligence. Always remember duty, breach, causation [“but for” and “foreseeable”] and damages.
- You will see “special types” of negligence, but they all still encompass the same prima facie case, it is just that some elements may be presumed:
- Landowner Duties: defines different duties of care.
- Negligence Per Se: established duty and breach within a certain class of person/class of risk.
- Res Ipsa Loquitor: This means that the consequences had to be a result of the defendant’s negligence, but the plaintiff still needs to establish certain factors.
- You should come back to this segment throughout this video series, so you can see how all of the elements are needed.
Delivered by:Professor Tania N. Shah
Video Takeaway: Introduction
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