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Civil Procedure Keyed to Babcock
Young v. City of Providence ex rel. Napolitano
404 F.3d 33 (1st Cir. 2005)Facts
Plaintiff Young brought a ยง1983 suit against Defendant City of Providence for the shooting death of her son by Providence police officers. She was represented by Barry Scheck and Nicholas Brustin, New York attorneys admitted to practice in Rhode Island pro hac vice and by Robert Mann, admitted to practice in Rhode Island who was acting as local counsel. The parties argued over a diagram that Plaintiffโs attorneys wanted to use, and Plaintiffโs attorneys finally agreed to Defendant Cityโs proposition that part of the diagram was inaccurate. During trial, Plaintiffโs attorneys realized that the diagram was entirely incorrect, so a young associate at Scheckโs firm drafted a memorandum requesting the judge to release Plaintiff Young from the stipulation. The memo alleged that the court required Plaintiff Young to agree to the Defendant Cityโs stipulation, which the judge read as a misrepresentation. Although Youngโs attorneys did not act in bad faith and attempted to explain that they did not mean to suggest that they were forced to accept the stipulation, the judge nonetheless stripped Scheck and Brustin of their pro hac vice admissions and sanctioned them under FRCP 11. The judge also found that Mann violated FRCP 11 but did not sanction him.
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