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Wills, Trusts & Estates Keyed to Sterk
Haynes v. First National State Bank of New Jersey
432 A.2d 890 (1981)Facts
Isabel Dutrow, widow of Charles E. Dutrow, inherited substantial wealth, including Ralston Purina stock, and had a history of making estate plans treating her two daughters’ families equally. After her older daughter Betty’s death in 1973, Isabel, then 84 and ailing, moved in with her younger daughter Dorcas and Dorcas’ husband, John Cotsworth. Over the next four years, Isabel drastically altered her will, increasingly favoring the Cotsworth family and excluding Betty’s sons, despite her earlier intentions for equality. The changes began shortly after Isabel moved in with Dorcas, with Dorcas and John pressuring Isabel and attorney Richard Stevens to modify the estate. John created charts and wrote letters to Stevens outlining proposals to benefit the Cotsworth family. The Cotsworths also involved their lawyer, Grant Buttermore, in estate planning, including a move to change Isabel’s domicile for tax advantages. Isabel’s declining health and emotional state, coupled with the Cotsworths’ direct involvement and pressure, raised serious concerns of undue influence, particularly as the new arrangements departed drastically from her prior intentions.
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