As the name of our platform suggests, we take the law school case brief as the most important task you will perform in your legal education experience. Keyed to the most widely used case books used in law school, our comprehensive library of tens of thousands of case briefs will ensure that you have the tools you need to succeed in your class studies.
StudyBuddy Pro briefs strictly follow the traditional law school case brief development format – the I.R.A.C methodology (Issue, Rule Application, Conclusion). You can be confident that Pro briefs will provide for you what you need to succeed in class each day and for your exam review.
Using our proprietary A.I. tools, we combined the most vital aspects of our scholarly written case briefs for each case to quickly capture and provide the most important case elements for efficient case understanding and optimal case recall.
A market first! Developed with the guidance of esteemed Law Professors, the traditional case brief has now been further enhancexd with ‘smart’ features such as: Case History, Defined Key Terms, Policy, Court Direction and more for optimal case understanding.
Customize each case brief reviewed with your own notes from class and review. The Pro site associates and saves all of your added notes within the case brief page and in Pro’s Table of Cases.
Only Pro has the most beneficial tool for law students to understand and comprehend the legal intricacies of the most difficult seminal cases. Developed only by esteemed Law Professors who will share with you in a quick, podcast format the case brief overview, where the case fits within your law school outline, and what you need to know about this case – the bottom line. Pop in your ear pods and listen to what Pro’s Professors share with you so you understand the case before your Professor reviews the case in class.