This question should be answered using two IRAC structures. Please include all relevant keywords in your answer.
Omega Corporation takes money from investors to build the world’s first time machine. A few months later, the founders of Omega are charged with fraud. The prosecution produces two items of evidence created during a meeting of the founders: (1) handwritten notes made by a secretary on her own initiative about the founders’ discussion on whether to actually build a time machine, and (2) a record of a founders’ vote made by the secretary according to standard practice on whether to notify investors that a time machine could not be built. Are these items of evidence admissible under a hearsay exception?
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To answer this question, you should think about and discuss whether the handwritten notes are admissible under the business record exception to hearsay, and whether the record of the founders’ vote is admissible under that same exception.
Select Issue/Subject to discuss
Handwritten Notes
Founders' Vote
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