This question should be answered in an IRC (issue, rule, conclusion) format. Please include all relevant keywords, terms, and phrases when discussing each topic.
Conner is a passenger on a commercial airline. Leonard, sitting next to him, has asked for and been served nine bloody mary alcoholic drinks by the flight attendant within the first two hours of their cross-country flight. As Leonard becomes progressively and obviously more intoxicated, he becomes more forceful in his attempts to engage Conner in conversation about Leonard’s problems with his ex-wife. Conner could have moved to another seat as the plane was not full but this would necessitate packing up his books, so Conner merely attempted to ignore Leonard’s remarks and focus on his own efforts to prepare for the business meeting awaiting him at the end of the flight. Finally, Leonard became angry at this overly polite effort to ignore him and bashed Conner with his briefcase.
If Conner sues the airline on a negligence theory, what will be the most likely result?
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What is required to win under the respondent superior doctrine? Whose negligence are we evaluating under that doctrine?
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