Hi class, please answer this question in an R.A.C. format.
Cheryl was a passenger on a flight from Kansas City to Houston. The passengers boarded the plane, and it left the terminal and taxied toward the runway. It waited in line with several other aircraft waiting to take off. Unexpected delays occurred. After two hours, the plane had still not taken off. Cheryl realized that she was not going to make it to Houston in time for the event that she was going to Houston to attend. She informed a flight attendant that she wanted to get off the plane. The flight attendant informed the pilot, who denied the request. Cheryl continued to insist on being let off the plane, but she was not permitted to leave. The plane took off a half hour later. Cheryl was angry about going to Houston for nothing, and she sued the airline for false imprisonment. Is she likely to prevail on this claim?
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Class think about what constitutes false imprisonment and whether this question contains those elements.
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