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Family Law Keyed to Weisberg
In Re Marriage of Kimura
Ken and Fumi Kimura were married in Japan in 1965, and both are Japanese citizens. Ken graduated from medical school in Japan, and is currently a pediatric surgeon in Iowa. In 1986 he was invited to come to the United States on a temporary H-1 work visa. The medical center where he worked filed an application on Ken’s behalf for permanent residency status, which he received in 1987. In 1988 he filed a divorce mediation proceeding with the family court in Japan. In July he withdrew because he could not attend the court’s reconciliation proceeding because of work. In December he filed a petition for dissolution of marriage in Iowa, alleging that he had resided there for more than one year, that his residency was not just for the purpose of obtaining a dissolution, and that a breakdown of the marital relationship had occurred. Because personal service was not possible on Fumi in Iowa, a copy of the petition was mailed to her in Japan and notice of the petition was publishe d three times. In February 1989 Fumi filed a preanswer motion contesting the district court’s personal and subject matter jurisdiction. The court concluded Ken satisfied residency requirements and dissolved the marriage. Fumi appealed.
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- The Brief Prologue provides necessary case brief introductory information and includes:
Identifies the topic of law and where this case fits within your course outline.Parties:
Identifies the cast of characters involved in the case.Procedural Posture & History:
Shares the case history with how lower courts have ruled on the matter.Case Key Terms, Acts, Doctrines, etc.:
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Brief Facts:
A Synopsis of the Facts of the case.Rule of Law:
Identifies the Legal Principle the Court used in deciding the case.Facts:
What are the factual circumstances that gave rise to the civil or criminal case? What is the relationship of the Parties that are involved in the case.Issue(s):
Lists the Questions of Law that are raised by the Facts of the case.Holding:
Shares the Court's answer to the legal questions raised in the issue.Concurring / Dissenting Opinions:
Includes valuable concurring or dissenting opinions and their key points.Reasoning and Analysis:
Identifies the chain of argument(s) which led the judges to rule as they did.
- The Brief Prologue closes the case brief with important forward-looking discussion and includes:
Identifies the Policy if any that has been established by the case.Court Direction:
Shares where the Court went from here for this case.